You may have been following the series on YouTube (click here), and see how accurate it was. One only needs to read the comments to realize how much we can find out with this tool.
Often in readings I am asked about the lingering emotions and exes and I have approached the reading from many different ways, but only the Fly On The Wall reading which took full hour and sometimes more was able to give me the answers I wanted, so I played with numerous combination wondering what elements I have to find out to squeeze out this answer. It took me a while – how long – I don’t even want to admit : )
As you can see from a sample on the left, this is highly extensive reading. Sometimes I go to deeper and recent past and then present before I start checking out what might show up in the future. These pointers give me enough to see the tangent and energy of this person and his/her attitude toward the wanted union. I do not look more than 2-3 months in the future because karma changes all the time and it is the best to see what is in front of us.
My key cards combination- yes they are trademarked 🙂 and have to be called Cat Tarot Spread are:
Card 1: The Magician
The Magician is a number 1 in Tarot. A start. This card has an energy of someone who has a magic chest and who can create but also destroy. Here I want to find what this relationship karmically had in its chest box and if this relationship was a ‘starter’ ever.
Card 2: Temperance reversed
Temperance upright is a lovely card. It talks about balance, and about spiritual/angelic protection. The angel is merging two ‘liquids’ that represent two different things, just like when in the relationship we need to ‘come together’. I am reading reversed meaning because I want to find out what in this union did not work and needed ‘merging’.
Card 3: Querent’s significator (Queen of Wands for females or King of Wands for males)
Here are the inner thoughts of the person of interest – how he or she is seen and felt about you.
Card 4: Eight of Wands
The card of swiftness. Communication. Arrows up in the air. What is really going on, and what kind of communication we can expect.
Card 5: Person of interest significator (Queen of Wands for females or King of Wands for males)
Here we explore how that person felt about him- or herself in this union.
Card 6: Judgement
Judgment is a card of karma, how karma see what we did in this relationship with tools and issues given. This is not on the shoulder of only one partner. This is the vision from ‘above’.
And lastly, Card 7: 4 of Wands
This is the card of celebrations, unions, reunions, the next, happy stage. Here we find out if you will reunite with the partner.
I explore each of these categories via different time references and in the end, I am able to really see how much effort this relationship would take, and even if reconciliation is in the cards, if it is recommended. We will explore other people present and if and how they affect this union. It is truly amazing how much of a full answer we get.
Numerologically, the spread amounts to a number 3. As the third of all numbers, 3’s symbolism is the exuberance of life; the spiritual being having a human experience.
This spread is not timed, and it generally lasts about 20-45 minutes. If within 20 minutes I already see either reunion or inability to reunite, I will add additional 10 minutes to do the Celtic Cross for the querent and the person of interest.
While I am sure that other practitioners will in time accept this spread, for now, it is only used on my channel and my divination sessions.
SPECIAL: This spread is currently on the special for $65USD* and it is subject to Terms & Conditions.
* Regular price $95
To book your CAT TAROT SESSION right now, click here
Upon purchase of this option please also email me via the form below the following:
- Your name
2. Your date of birth (and time of birth if known. Please write the name of the month so there is no confusion)
3. His/her name(if a question is about someone else as well)
4. His/her date of birth (if a question is about someone else as well, and if this info is known)
This spread looks at various aspects of this relationship: if it was a starter, the real thoughts, and intentions of the partner in question if there was a third party, and if you will reconcile or should you. If you wish to ask additional questions, this is not a spread for youTo submit this form and provide this information please, click here
- Video recording of the entire session – 20 min approximately
- It is examining if this relationship was ever a starter and what your partner thought, and did. Helps you see if there is a possibility of reconciliation OR helps you reach the closure.
Delivery Time
Estimated delivery time from the date I respond to your reading request is 1-2 weeks. Â If you need it faster, consider my Rush or Urgent Services (see below).
Payment Details
Payment will be by PayPal or by e-mail of an Amazon gift card in the stated dollar amount. Payment must be done before the time arrangements are done for your reading.
After the payment I’ll need the following information:
1. Your name
2. Your date of birth (and time of birth if known. Please write the name of the month so there is no confusion)
3. His/her name(if a question is about someone else as well)
4. His/her date of birth (if a question is about someone else as well, and if this info is known)
5. Your questions. Please note that I will read and address them DURING your session.