$150.00 USD

If you’re not get-charge-of-your-own life person or get easily overwhelmed, then this is not going to be the right reading service for you.

This reading is, well, a lot of information.

What I hope to present to you is a comprehensive full-service divinatory experience that not only addresses up to three of your inquiries, short-term or otherwise, but also presents revelatory insights that you’ll want to revisit time and time again in the future.

A complete Tarot divination session from me is both a general reading and a specific reading. It will be subdivided into two parts.

The first part, the general reading, where I am more or less taking free reign to tell you what divinatory and revelatory insights are coming through, irrespective of what your questions are. Almost always this preliminary divination will begin to touch upon the questions you’ve asked, but it could very well bring up surprising results. The purpose of the preliminary divination is to give you a broad-sighted road map for your life. Many Why answers will come during this interval and it will be much easier to put the other questions in perspective and get to the bottom of those issues.

The second part is when you get to be in control. You can ask me up to three (3) specific questions that I will divine upon. There are no limitations to what you may ask, other than my ethical code as a tarot reader. However, you must come up with those three questions yourself. I cannot help you come up with the questions or insert my discretion to tell you what questions I think you should ask. You have to arrive at your specific questions by yourself and if you cannot come up with three, we will divine on just the number of questions you have.

I do reserve the right to rephrase your questions, though we will certainly talk about it and you’ll have the opportunity to approve or reject my rephrasing prior to commencement. Based on my experience as a reader, sometimes I can spot questions phrased in a way that might not optimize your divination experience or I intuit that you’re really trying to ask one thing but the way you’ve phrased your question is vague and will produce an entirely different answer than what I think you want. Again, we’ll have a clear, unambiguous conversation about this prior to commencement.

Typically, seekers will ask about career or employment prospects, love, and relationships, family relations, business goals, or a divinatory consultation for a major life decision. You can also ask about your spiritual path, higher calling or life purpose, or what manifestations of Spirit are guiding you on your path. Sometimes I do get asked whether there is a particular unseen spirit, metaphysical, or supernatural forces around someone that such a person might want to be aware of. I’m open to divining on such inquiries as well.

Delivery Time

This is a very encompassing reading and the estimated delivery time is from 3-7 (three to seven) business days. Given plenty of requests I receive, at any time that delivery time could be up to 10 (ten) days, but I will let you know in advance if I am delayed.

Need it very fast or in 48-72hrs? Book a Rush Session, contact me

Payment Details

Payment will be by PayPal or by e-mail of an Amazon gift card in the stated dollar amount. Payment must be done before the time arrangements are done for your reading.

My Tarot Readings

Tarot is my thing. I’ve studied Tarot longer and with more intensity than I have studied anything, and that includes music, which I started when I was five years old (and was a huge part of my life for a very long time, though I stopped around college), and even my post-graduate education and later, professional practice. How insane is that?

If you’ve never gotten a tarot reading before and think that it involves setting your future in stone, then let me just tell you that I am hypersensitive with my care for showing you what the paths are only, not what you will do or what will happen. I believe very strongly that your life is a garden of forking paths, not a single one-way road, and so I see my job as a reader as helping you map out and see ahead of time all the different possibilities of those forking paths.

Note that I do not limit a tarot reading session to just tarot, even though the meat and potatoes of the session will be the cards. I may from time to time bring in Lenormand, Gipsy Oracle, numerology, or any other form of divination that I practice.

For $150, you’re getting:

  • Video recording of the entire session – 60 min
  • An answer to TWO questions – Love or Job questions. If you want to explore the relationship, please book Relationship/Ex Spread as it will give you more for your money.
    Karma, Business or Past Lives questions are NOT answered under this option. Also note, that I do not answer Health or Legal questions.


  • Part I I can do a general divinatory reading, no questions asked;
    Part II is a specific divinatory reading, addressing up to THREE (3) questions you want to be answered.
    Karma, Business or Past Lives questions are NOT answered under this option. Also note, that I do not answer Health or Legal questions.

Estimated delivery time from the date I respond to your reading request is 1-2 weeks.  If you need it faster, consider my Rush or Urgent Services (see below).

Need it very FAST OR IN 48-72HRS? want to speak to me over the phone? BOOK A RUSH or urgent SESSION, CONTACT ME

Payment Details

Payment will be by PayPal or by e-mail of an Amazon gift card in the stated dollar amount. Payment must be done before the time arrangements are done for your reading.

After the payment I’ll need the following information:

1. Your name
2. Your date of birth
(and time of birth if known. Please write the name of the month so there is no confusion)
3. His/her name
(if a question is about someone else as well)
4. His/her date of birth
(if a question is about someone else as well, and if this info is known)
5. Your questions. Please note that I will read and address them DURING your session.

To submit this form and provide this information please, click here